- Added international support for medication/categories names.

- Added both dot and comma support for numpad for numeric values. 


Issue with empty Category/Medication is solved and will be available soon. 
(Category and medication are being saved correctly into database according your choose, they just aren't displayed on the "Record" page now)

All look fine now.

Somebody can't import csv data into BGluMon - it depends on date and time format for import, where are a lot of different formats in different countries, so I can't cover all possible values. If you got the same issue - send me a few strings from the export - I will provide correct date/time format values.

ps. 'MMM dd, yyyy, HH:mm:ss' is correct format for date and time  like 'Oct 1, 2012, 15:34:23'


BGluMon 6.0.1 with urgent fix is submitted to AppStore and asked for expedited review.

If your application crashes at the start, please don't delete it from your device to prevent loosing your data - wait for new corected version of the application.

If you reinstall the application - You can start using the application before the coming update, but you loose your data. (Please save just in case folder Database in BGluMon Documents folder in iTunes to your disk of Mac or PC - you will be able to restore your data later).